For those of you who aren’t part of the thread on Facebook:
A friend posted a question after watching people (Christians and Non-Christians) tearing each other apart over the recent election. To make a long story short, he said that the real loser in all of this was: The Truth.
He decided to posit a couple of questions:
1. What is the Truth?
2. Does the Truth matter?
This is my rather lengthy response. It’s not my usual way of writing. Not like one of my articles that I spend time researching and editing and proofreading. This is just typed as I would say it. So at times it may seem disjointed and a bit confusing. I will try to avoid that as much as possible, but I want to get this up for Andy and others to read so as to do my part in answering the questions in a timely manner.
So that being said…I apologize in advance for typos and the like.
Andy...interesting note. Yes there is such a 'thing' as truth. And does matter. Http:// That's the address to a site I maintain that addresses Truth in many aspects of life. I actually have an article on the site I wrote a couple of years ago entitled “Absolute Truth”. Much of what I say here is probably said there as well (and probably better since I took the time).
So, what is truth?
We must define the terms prior to debating them. There is partial truth, subjective truth, and absolute truth to try to narrow them down. The answer to the question would seem to be obvious; if there is something that contradicts a "truth" is it then a lie. It would seem obvious except we must first look at an important premise of our question; we are assuming that the “truth” in question is an absolute. If it is not, then we cannot come to a conclusive answer.
The main energy of your question has been the debate throughout philosophy called the epistemological argument. Epistemology is, in essence, how we come to know the things we know. What is the process for determining knowledge as true or false? If you follow this line of questioning back a while you will come to the philosopher Renee Descartes and his famous Cogito: “I think therefore I am.” To Descartes that was the starting point. The only thing he knew to be true and certain was ‘he existed’. A little further on we come to another philosopher Nietzsche, he thought that since what he knew to be “true and certain” 5 years previous, he came to find weren’t “true and certain”, so why should he believe anything to be “true and certain” only to find out in the future that they may not be. Then he made the statement; “What does the truth matter?”
Now, let’s jump ahead a few years to another philosopher named Francis Schaeffer. He talked at length about truth and the addressed the question; is there such a thing as truth, and does it really matter? He made a differentiation between types of truth and came to the conclusion that the only truth we should really concern ourselves with is True Truth, and he stressed the capital “T’s”. Schaeffer was a Christian and wrote many books and even did a book and then a film series entitled “How Should We Then Live?” I think this is really the question at the heart of the issue.
If there really is an absolute truth, a True Truth, what does it look like/feel/taste/sound like, and once it can be identified how does it apply to our lives? How should we then live in light of this True Truth?
First, let’s examine some characteristics of truth.
If ‘truth’ is dependent upon human understanding, then only that which we as humans can understand is truth.
If ‘truth’ is subjective, then there is truth for each person is different, and therefore not absolute, not True Truth.
If ‘truth’ is dependent upon circumstance, then only in a single specific circumstance will that truth become True Truth.
If ‘truth’ changes in any way, shape, or form; if it is not constant and unchanging, then it by default isn’t True Truth.
For any ‘truth’ to be True Truth (absolute truth) it must have the following qualities:
It must be immutable, unchanging, always the same, and constant. If it changes, then there is nothing we can really come to know.
It must come from outside of us; it must be self defining and self existing. If it comes from within us, then it would change as we change, see #1.
At this point I try to show people that True Truth is not always easy to spot. Sure, as a Christian, I can look at scripture and see things that are obviously True Truth. But can I, can you, find something that the Bible doesn’t talk directly about and recognize them true or false?
I use this litmus test, in part for those things:
For something to be true, it must first have intrinsic value, AND it must apply to something other than which it was originally intended.
You see, that’s the thing that most people don’t get. True Truth runs throughout all of God’s Creation. You can see its fingerprints everywhere if you look. There isn’t “a truth”, there aren’t “many truths”; there is one singular True Truth, which is applied to everything.
Jesus told us that He is the way, the Truth, and the life. Jesus is True Truth. He told us that His word is the Word of Truth; He told us that He would honor His Word above His Name. In John 1:1 we find that Jesus was in the beginning, the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. Then later in the chapter the Word came down and dwelt with man.
His creation, His life, His death, His resurrection, His ascension, His mediation are True Truth.
Our goal as Christians is to live the life that Christ gave up for us on the cross. We must decrease so that He may increase. We must die daily. We must daily take up our cross and follow him. That is the thing that many people forget to tell new converts to Christianity. This isn’t a “decision” it is a radical sacrifice of your life to Christ. We give up everything and give it to Him. It’s not the ‘feel good’ Christianity that is extolled so often across so many pulpits in so many churches around the world. Where we get some ‘fire insurance’ and ‘grace’ and use it as a license to sin without having to pay for the consequences.
Here’s an example of True Truth:
No one can force you to do anything. You are free to choose to do whatever you want to. BUT, you’re not free to avoid the consequences of your choices.
It is also said this way:
You reap what you sow.
Other people will say something like this:
What comes around goes around.
True Truth is the fiber of reality. It is what binds the universe together.
Let me ask you a question? Prior to Mt. Everest being discovered, what was the tallest mountain on the earth?
Answer: Mt. Everest!
You see, truth isn’t dependent upon our understanding or even upon our knowledge of it for it to remain True!
People may not understand what I mean when I say that there is one singular truth, which is applied to everything. Scripture says it like this: “In Him we live and move and have our being.” There isn’t anything that is that wasn’t made by God!
Truth is what it is. When Moses asked God, “who shall I tell them [the Israelites] sent me?” God replied, “I am that I am.” That sounds cryptic, I know. But what He was saying to Moses then and to us today and to our children tomorrow is that He is everything He is...and He will never change! This is really good for us. Truth is the reality of this life and God’s rule and authority over everything that was, is or will be created. Truth is God’s supremacy. Truth is what God makes true.
Why does the truth matter?
If we cannot know anything to be true for everyone [absolute], then we can really know nothing and maybe we are just a dream of some god and when he wakes up everything we call reality ends. If there is no absolute truth, then there is no reason to do good or punish bad. There would be no point of reference that tells everyone what is good and bad. It would be like some today want to believe, “There is no such thing as right and wrong. Right?” I find it funny that this is typically the way this type of statement is made. Someone makes a statement about the non-existence of method to determine true or false and then asks for someone to agree to the truth of the statement.
I was in a conversation with and individual once who said; “There is no way to really prove anything.” To which I responded; “Really? Prove it.” He didn’t have a response.
If someone says to you; “There are no absolutes.” Ask them this; “Do you believe that absolutely?”
Our very everyday lives depend upon True Truth. We need a fixed point of reference by which to navigate the stormy waters of life. If all the points of reference we have are mobile, or dependent upon us, we will be lost at sea. If, however, the means by which we navigate is separate from us, not dependent upon us, and immoveable, then we can find our way.
So…Truth matters because without it we might as well be dead, because there is no point to anything. We couldn’t even begin to know anything for certain.
How to tell what it looks like:
A good place to start would be with the 10 commandments, the Law. Don’t be like the Pharisees who made 10 Laws into thousands of rules and regulations and became legalistic about them. We see the example of the greatest teacher to ever set foot upon the earth…Jesus. He boiled them all down to these two:
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself.
In doing these you will have fulfilled the Law and the Prophets.
God gave us His Word. His Word is like a map, His Holy Spirit is like a compass. If you just have the map, you can probably generally find your way. If you just have the compass, then you will at least have the right direction of travel. But if you have both, and read the map while constantly checking with your compass, the chances of you straying really become slim.
I’m sorry this was so long…not really. ;-) I like to do this type of thing. The question; “Does Truth really matter?” is easy…Yes! But the question; “What is Truth?” could take a lifetime to answer completely. The simple answer to “What is Truth?”… Jesus is! My suggestion for anyone who wishes to truly understand Truth better is to get to know Jesus better and better each day of your life. That would be Total Truth.
Study and show yourself approved a willing worker that need not be ashamed.
I have some reference material that I would recommend on this subject matter:
Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity—Nancy Pearcy
How Should We Then Live—Francis Schaeffer
I am currently working on something that will address some of this amongst other topics with some very intelligent and talented friends. The title is a working title at the moment and will probably change; it specifically addresses ‘religious people’ or the Pharisees [read ‘Turbo Christians’] of our day. It will be released as a book and DVD entitled: “So You Want To Win the World for Christ? Don’t Be An Ass!”
So…I don’t really know how people will receive this. But let me say this much more. The Truth is not relative, it is not subjective, it is absolute or it is not Truth. There is a right and wrong, there are consequences to everything we do; good and bad. Regardless of what you know, believe, think, or feel the Truth is independent of all of them. Just because you don’t understand, feel, or want to believe it doesn’t change Truth. We don’t create Truth, it is self-existent. We must stand up for the Truth, protect the Truth, and live the Truth.
The one who will not take a stand for something, will fall for anything.
I challenge everyone to have reasons for what they believe.
Why do you believe what you believe? Have you ever thought about it? Do you let others choose your beliefs for you? What does it all mean? Why are we here? Where did we come from? Where are we going?
The Truth, no matter how painful it may be, really does set you free; disillusionment is never fun but it is always good.
"The greatest homage to truth is to use it."-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Know the Truth.
Protect the Truth.
Manifest the Truth to others.
That’s my 2 cents! Blessing everyone!
1 comment:
hello hey have you quit this blogg
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